Proposed Residential Parking Permit Zone Map- Figure 3-1
Many members of the Bankers Hill community have asked the Uptown Community Parking District (UCPD) to investigate setting up a Permit Parking program along specific blocks of Bankers Hill that are primarily residential. UCPD hired consulting group Chen Ryan to fully explore this process (SEE REPORT), and determine whether or not this neighborhood of San Diego meets the criteria for Permit Parking.
The proposed zone, (as highlighted by Figure 3-1 to the left) would encompass Second Ave, Front St, Brant St, Curlew St, Union St, and the east side of State St., between Laurel St. and Fir St.
The permit being proposed would take effect during night time hours, from 6pm until 8am. This would coincide with the end of time limited parking and meter enforcement. The proposed permit would also include 2 hour parking for non-permit holders.
UCPD is holding a public outreach session to solicit public comments at the June 19th, 2017 meeting of the Bankers Hill Community Group. For more information, please contact Chris DeMoville, Bankers Hill Project Manager, via phone at (619) 846-5754 or email [email protected]